Sebastian Hanke, M.SC

Attorney, Specialist in employment law

Sebastian Hanke studied Law at the University of Leipzig. He began his professional career as a lawyer in 2008. Since then, he has worked in the fields of civil and employment law, and has extensive knowledge and experience of litigation and contract drafting. He offers advice on the drafting, amendment and termination of employment contracts, and on amending and increasing the flexibility of employment terms and remuneration systems. His clients include companies in the fields of education, science and research, as well as the arts, culture and commerce.In 2020 he completed a part-time course of study at the FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management with the qualification Master of Science Human Resource Management.


Sebastian Hanke, M.SC
Königstraße 1
D-01097 Dresden

Sebastian Hanke, M.SC
Petersstraße 50
D-04109 Leipzig
Sebastian Hanke, M.SC
ehemaliges Kaufhaus Schocken
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
D-09111 Chemnitz
Sebastian Hanke, M.SC
An der Markthalle 3
D-09111 Chemnitz

Fields of action


Current articles of Sebastian Hanke, M.SC

EVENTS | 10.10.2024

Infoabend für Referendar:innen am 07. Nov. 2024

Am 07. November 2024 laden wir zu einem exklusiven Infoabend in unsere Büroräume in der Petersstraße 50, 04109 Leipzig ein, der um 17:00 Uhr beginnt und voraussichtlich um 19:00 Uhr endet. Den Teilnehmern bietet sich die hervorragende Gelegenheit, in gemütlicher Runde unsere Kanzlei und Kolleg:Innen kennenzulernen, al...

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