Oliver Hempel

Partner, Attorney, Specialist in medical law

Oliver Hempel studied Law at the University of Leipzig. He was admitted to the bar in 2005 and qualified as a specialist medical lawyer in 2012. His clients primarily include hospitals, doctors in private practice and companies, whom he advises on medical products and services. Oliver Hempel advises and represents his clients in all areas of medical law. In particular, he has many years of experience in medical liability and criminal medical cases (exclusively representing treatment providers). He also specialises in the commercial activities of doctors in private practice and supports them with the founding and sale of practices, dispute resolution and the related strategic planning.


Oliver Hempel
Königstraße 1
D-01097 Dresden

Oliver Hempel
Petersstraße 50
D-04109 Leipzig
Oliver Hempel
ehemaliges Kaufhaus Schocken
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
D-09111 Chemnitz
Oliver Hempel
An der Markthalle 3
D-09111 Chemnitz


Current articles of Oliver Hempel

NEWS | 30.06.2022

Chronische Erkrankungen aus Patientenperspektive – rechtliche Aspekte im Umgang mit Krankenkassen, Versic...

PETERSEN HARDRAHT PRUGGMAYER berät auch Mandanten mit chronischen Erkrankungen, Unfallverletzungen und Behinderungen im Umgang mit Krankenkassen, Versicherungen und Behörden. Rechtsanwalt und Partner Oliver Hempel war jüngst zu Gast im Podcast von Birgit Lech...