Hospital law and the law governing panel physicians
We advise institutions such as hospitals, medical centres and practices, as well as professionals from the medical field and other healthcare service providers, in all major matters of hospital law, and in particular on the following topics:
- Hospital law
- Hospital DRG settlements and accounts auditing by hospitals
- Compensation-related legal disputes with private health insurance providers and private patients
- Hospital-specific labour law
- Outsourcing and privatisation
- Chief physician consultation
- Cooperation contracts between hospitals/hospital owners and doctors in private practice
- Advising hospital owners in conjunction with the authorisation of hospital physicians
- Advising hospital owners in conjunction with the provisions according to § 116b Para. 2 SGB V and specialist outpatient care (ambulante spezialfachärztliche Versorgung, ASV)
With regard to the law governing panel physicians we in particular address the following:
- Medical centre establishment and contracting
- Practice purchase contracts
- Medical licensing law
- Law regarding the joint exercise of the profession
- Medical contract law