Kennet Spallek


Kennet Spallek studied law at the University of Leipzig. Before starting his legal clerkship at the disctrit of the Higher Regional Court of Dresden, Mr. Spallek worked as a research assistant at PETERSEN HARDRAHT PRUGGMAYER. After successfully completing his legal clerkship, he began his professional career in a law firm specialising in construction and real estate law. Kennet Spallek joined PETERSEN HARDRAHT PRUGGMAYER in 2024 and advices clients primarily on commercial and corporate law. Kennet Spallek is doing his doctorate at the Faculty of Law at the University of Leipzig on a topic in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions.


Kennet Spallek
Königstraße 1
D-01097 Dresden

Kennet Spallek
Petersstraße 50
D-04109 Leipzig
Kennet Spallek
ehemaliges Kaufhaus Schocken
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
D-09111 Chemnitz
Kennet Spallek
An der Markthalle 3
D-09111 Chemnitz

Current articles of Kennet Spallek

NEWS | 23.10.2024

PETERSEN HARDRAHT PRUGGMAYER als Aussteller beim Fakultätskarrieretag

Auf Initiative der Jura-Fachschaften fand am 21. Oktober 2024 im Neuen Augusteum der Universität Leipzig der erste Fakultätskarrieretag Jura Mitteldeutschland statt. Studierende und Referendar*innen aus Leipzig, Halle und Jena konnten bei dieser Gelegenheit in einen spannenden Austausch mit verschiedenen regionalen Ar...