TERMINE | 02.05.2018


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Getting Investors on Board
Possible Constellations and Legal Pitfalls

on 18th of May 2018 at 2 p.m. in our office in Leipzig.

You found an investor? We will give you an overview of what every start up and entrepreneur should know before taking any outside investment: legal framework, legal structuring, timeline, typical contractual elements and realistic exit strategy.

As lawyers involved with startups we have seen plenty of legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs and start-up companies when they got an investor on board. We will raise your awareness for legal pitfalls and obstacles so that there is nothing that prevents you from achieving your goals and living up your visions.

Please feel most welcome to our presentation and Q&A session with our lawyer Jördis Ambach while enjoying fruits, cakes and drinks in our office in Merkurhaus situated right in the heart of Leipzig city center.

More Information and tickets

Current articles of Dr. Jördis Ambach

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